Dissertatie ‘Brand-Added Value’ van Rik Riezebos
Op 20 januari 1994 verdedigde Rik Riezebos zijn proefschrift getiteld ‘Brand-added value; theory and empirical research about the value of brands to consumers’. In deze dissertatie legde hij de basis voor zijn denken over merken en merkenbeleid.
Inhoudsopgave ‘Brand-added value; theory and empirical research about the value of brands to consumers’
Part I – Theoretical framework
1 – Branding as a marketing strategy
1.1 Competition through branding
1.2 Benefits of branding and advertising for the supplier
1.3 Branding and consumers
2 – The construct ‘brand-added value’
2.1 Characteristics of a branded article
2.2 Definition of brand-added value
2.3 Constructs that overlap with brand-added value
3 – Factors that may contribute to brand-added value
3.1 Factors that may explain the magnitude of brand-added value within product classes
3.2 The contribution of intrinsic cues to brand-added value
3.3 The contribution of extrinsic cues to brand-added value
3.4 Line and brand extensions
3.5 A recapitulation and the formulation of research questions
Part II – Empirical studies
4 – Developing and testing a method for measuring brand-added value
4.1 The operationalization and the measurement method of brand-added value
4.2 Method employed in the empirical study
4.3 Results of the empirical study
4.4 Concluding remarks on how to measure brand-added value
5 – Differences in the magnitude of brand-added value between product classes
5.1 The operationalization of the magnitude of brand-added value
5.2 Method of the empirical study
5.3 Results of the empirical study
5.4 Discussion on the differences in the magnitude of brand-added value
6 – Influencing brand-added value through advertising
6.1 Theory concerning the influence of advertising on brand-added value
6.2 Method used in the experiment
6.3 Results
6.4 Discussion and conclusions
Part III – Conclusions and implications
7 – Conclusions and managerial implications on brand-added value
7.1 Contribution to the body of knowledge on brand-added value
7.2 Managerial implications
7.3 Major areas for future research
Appendix 1: Additional tables chapter 4
Appendix 2: Additional tables chapter 5
Appendix 3: Additional tables chapter 6
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Riezebos, H.J. (1994), Brand-added value; theory and empirical research about the value of brands to consumers. Eburon Publishers, Delft.