‘Branding inside out’ (boek)
Sinds 2001 heeft Rik Riezebos gewerkt aan een model dat het verschil inzichtelijk maakt tussen organisaties met een sterk versus een zwak merk. Na de Brand/Image Grid te hebben ontwikkeld, onderbouwde hij deze met data en inzichten op het gebied van strategisch management en HR management. Om uiteindelijk de Brand/Reputation Grid op te stellen. Nicholas Ind vroeg hem in 2016 om op basis van dit model een hoofdstuk voor het boek ‘Branding Inside Out’ te schrijven. Begin oktober 2017 verscheen dit boek op de markt.
Branding Inside Out offers a detailed and accessible exploration of internal branding. Internal branding is the cultural shift that occurs within an organisation when employees become more customer-focused. By getting employees to truly commit to a brand’s ideology internally, companies will find that their brand messages are conveyed externally much more effectively. Branding Inside Out is a multi-contributor text containing chapters from an array of senior professionals and academics, edited by the renowned branding expert and prolific author Nicholas Ind.
Branding Inside Out contains both new thinking and new practice. The new thinking chapters in the book feature original research on the principles that underpin effective internal branding programmes, while the new practice chapters provide examples of how such companies as Patagonia, NN Group and Adidas both attract new employees and build employee engagement. Taken together, these contributions and case studies form a vital book to help any marketer understand and implement successful internal branding programmes that win the active involvement of their people.
Table of content
- 01: The changing world of internal branding. By Nicholas Ind, Associate Professor at Kristiania University College
- 02: Living brand orientation: How a brand oriented culture supports employees to live the brand. By Holger J Schmidt, Full Professor of General Management and Marketing at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences
- 03: Unleashing the internal fan community through brand oriented leadership. By Felicitas Morhart, Full Professor of Marketing at the University of Lausanne
- 04: Bond Dickinson: Leading by example. By Erika Uffindell, Director of The Global Institute for Conscious Leadership
- 05: Internal branding: A roadmap to brand value co-creation. By Fathima Saleem, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University and Oriol Iglesias, Associate Professor, ESADE Business School
- 06: Transforming Brand and culture at NN Group. By Marije Scholma, Head of Internal and External Communications at NN Group, Remco Barbier, Head of Branding at NN Group and Chris Kersbergen, Head of Employee Experience at NN Group
- 07: Living the CSR brand: Model, best practices and recommendations. By Carsten Baumgarth, Full Professor, Berlin School of Economics and Law and Lars Binckebanck, Full Professor of International Marketing at Furtwangen University
- 08: Participation builds the brands: VSO’s people brand. By Nick Pullan, Director of a fashion brand and Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and Hannah Gilman, marketer with 7 years at VSO as Brand and Communications Manager
- 09: The characteristics of Living Brand Companies. By Rik Riezebos, Managing Director of EURIB/ European Institute for Brand management
- 10: How Adidas attracts and retains talent. By Steve Fogarty, leads the Global Talent Futures Team at Adidas Group
- 11: Internal brand management: Employees as a target group for brand management. By Christoph Burmann, Professor at the University of Bremen and Rico Piehler, postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Innovative Brand Management at the University of Bremen
Riezebos, R., (2017), The characteristics of living brand companies. In: Branding inside out; internal branding in theory and practice (Ind, N., ed.) (section 09). Kogan Page, London, U.K.
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